Going To College By Marty Nemko: Article Analysis

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Students in their last year of high school are going through so much, things such as prom and graduation. The most important thing on their mind is deciding on what they will do after they graduate high school. Some students either go to a four year college or attend a community college or just go straight into the work force. The decision to go to college is a life changing decisions that brings many benefits, getting that dream job is the most important. The article I chose was the essay written by Marty Nemko, “We send too many students to college”. He began his article by pointing out that students who do not do well in high school often drop out of college and end up getting jobs such as McDonalds and Burger King. Also, they left college …show more content…

Going to college can be an eye opener for those students. Students understand that it is important for them to do well since they understand that going to college costs a lot of money. If going to college is not the right choice then they could eventually go to a trade school and learn a trade and get a good paying job. Going to college can lead to many opportunities to network with others students or professors in their major, doing this can lead to job opportunities that can be opened up to students . “Too, the past advantages of college graduates in the job market is eroding” (Nemko). That statement is false, many of the college who stay in college and graduate eventually some find jobs that are tailored to what they went to school for paying more money. During the student’s college years they should be trying on every opportunity they can to get internships and co-ops to help them land that good paying job. There are many resources on campus students can take advantage of to help them get a job after they graduate. Colleges are not places where, the only things they have done is misled students in brochures to attract them in coming an also they are not cash cows just looking to get money from student and in return give them poor education. Yes, college can be difficult at first but, it is up to them as a student to try to talk …show more content…

Most are planning to go to college for next four years or two depending on their choice, but going to college and doing good in college is solely based off of what they put into it. When they go to college there are already people who are expected to fail and drop out and for those who stay some of them are not expected to even graduate at all. Going to college is a lifetime experience that cannot be compared. Not going to college will prevent students from experiencing the joy of living and interacting with other people every day. Also not going to college will not guarantee students a job right away and the way jobs are moving today many want their employees to have at least some college education in order to work. The success in college and after they graduate is up to the student, their work ethic, prioritizing and taking responsibility of themselves since they are on their own now. Colleges can give student‘s much more than education. After the student graduate college with whatever degree they have and other skills they have learned, such as networking and working with other, these will help them get a job at a place where they can use that education learned while in college for years to

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