Irony: The Story Of An Hour By Chloe Lemaster

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Irony in Short Stories Compare and Contrast Essay by Chloe Lemaster

Both of the stories I will be writing about are short stories with a great deal of irony. Even though both stories contain ironic background in a dark and sad way they are both different on a wide scale. The first story I’d like to summarize is The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin. The story is about a woman, Louise Mallard. Her sister and her husband’s best friend come to her house to notify her that her husband has been in a train accident and he has passed. Unlike they would expect Mrs. Mallard doesn’t react the way they would think. She lets out a few tears and then heads upstairs to her room to be alone. Once up in her room she sits down and looks out a window at nature. After a while of watching she begins to call out the same word over and over again; “Free! Free! Free!” Sometime later she returns downstairs. She stands with her sister when suddenly the door opens and there stands Mr. Mallard alive and well. Here’s the irony, Louise drops dead right there on the spot and the doctors announce that she died from a “joyful heart attack. So, the irony in this story is clear to see. Now for the other story, this is my summary for The Interlopers by Saki: …show more content…

They two grandfathers, the ones who started the feud are fighting over a piece of forestland. They have decided together that the only way to resolve the feud is to kill each other. While searching for each other in the woods, Gradwitz finds Znaeym. Both men, with rifles in hand, fail to shoot the other. To make matters worse a bolt of lightning strikes and tree and pins both men to the ground. After several times of Gradwitz trying to offer Znaeym wine, both men decide to reconcile. Where’s the irony? Well, the story ends with both men being found by wolves so even though they didn’t kill each other, they still both ended up being

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