Investigation on Osmosis

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Investigation on Osmosis

For this investigation, I need to find out how Osmosis works in

potato with different concentrations of sugar.

I think the lower the concentration of sugar solution there is, the

larger the mass of potato will be. This is because the less sugar

there is in the solution the higher the concentration of water there

will be. The potato in high water concentrations (0 molars) will have

a larger increased mass because the water from the solution will go

into the potato.

I think the higher the concentration of sugar solution there is, the

smaller the mass of the potato will be. This is because the more sugar

there is in the solution the less water there will be. The potato in

high sugar concentrations (1.0 molar) will have a larger decreased

mass because the water from the potato will go into the solution.

I think the concentration of sugar solution with an equal amount of

water as the potato will show no change in mass in the potato. I guess

that 0.6 molars is the concentration where there is no change in mass

of the potato.

For my experiment, I will need 12 beakers for my sugar solutions and

to put the potato in. I will also need 12 potatoes for each beaker and

a measuring cylinder to measure the amount of my solutions. I will

need balancers to check the mass of the potatoes before and after my

experiment and I will need a pair of tweezers to put my potatoes in

and out with. I will be doing all six different concentrations twice.

Potatoes grow in the roots of the potato plants and you have to pull

them out.


Animal cells are different from plant cells. An animal cell does not

have a cell wall, vacuole or chloroplasts.

Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from an area of a high

water concentration to an area of a low water concentration. Cell

membranes are permeable to water.

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