Investigation of Factors Affecting the Rate of Breakdown of Hydrogen Peroxide by Catalase

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Investigation of Factors Affecting the Rate of Breakdown of Hydrogen Peroxide by Catalase

Certain reactions in the cell produce hydrogen peroxide, which is

poisonous. The enzyme catalase is able to render it harmless producing

water and oxygen.


I predict that as the concentration of hydrogen peroxide increases, so

will the amount of oxygen released in a given time. This is because in

an increased concentration of hydrogen peroxide there are molecules to

come into contact with the catalase and so the reaction happens


Input Variables

· Temperature

· Concentration of hydrogen peroxide

· Volume of hydrogen peroxide

· Amount of catalase

· Surface area of enzyme

Output Variables

· Amount of oxygen

· Amount of water


The equipment will be set up as above in order to find the results.

The measurements to be taken are: 1.25M; 1.00M; 0.75M; 0.5M; 0.25M,

which will each be collected three times and then averaged. This is so

that I will have a good set of results to come to a conclusion with.

From preliminary work that I had previously carried out I have found

some useful things that will help in this experiment. These are that

the size of the catalase has to remain constant in all of the

experiments. This is so that it is a fair test, as well as not making

the catalase to big or to small because the reaction may occur to

slowly or to quick.


Risk Assessment

Whilst doing the experiment there are various risks that have to be

taken into consideration. The biggest one of these is that hydrogen

peroxide is dangerous because it is poisonous. This will be dealt with

by wearing safety goggles and keeping the room well ventilated.

Scientific Theory

The reaction being carried out can be explained by using collision

theory and enzyme theory. For a reaction to occur there must be

collisions between the molecules and activation energy is produced

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