Investigating the Solubility of Table Salt in Distilled Water at Different Temperatures
The aim of this essay is to explain and discuss the drug cannabis and
its effects in relation to biochemical, behavioural and psychological
factors. The introduction will outline a brief history relating to
the drug and include both the medicinal and recreational purposes of
its use. The main discussion will explain how the drug chemistry
affects the nervous system emphasising what neurotransmitter is
effected and also what behavioural and psychological implications this
has on the user. Finally I will conclude by summarising the main
points of the discussion outlining both the long and short term
overall effects of cannabis, evaluating what the relative costs and
benefits are to the user.
Cannabis, commonly known as Marijuana is a member of the Cannabinaceae
originating from the hemp plant (Cannabis Sativa). It is described
as a naturally grown erect, bushy herb plant with saw toothed leaves
and fluted stalks ranging in height from three feet to twenty five
feet approximately. Cannabis is available in three main forms, as a
dried herb (usually known as grass), as a resin (usually known as hash
or hashish) that is extracted from the buds and flower heads and as a
sticky liquid (hash oil) which is prepared from the resin.
The exact origins of cannabis have never been clearly defined; however
the wild version is believed to have originated in Central Asia.
Historians believe that it was one of the first crops to be cultivated
by man for its fibre, and the ancient Chinese are believed to have
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...strate positive and significant harmful effects in man
attributable solely to the use of cannabis” (ACDM 1981)
A Brief History of Cannabis -
A Cannabis Chronology -
Cannabis Information Network -
POTOLOGY - Lifeline Publications (2000)
(Dr Nukes guide to the Science of Cannibis
& the Sociology of getting stoned)
Short term/long term affects -
STREET DRUGS - Andrew Tyler
(The facts explained. The myths exploded)
(The drug workers bible)
Pobutsky, Aldona B. "Maria Llena Eres De Gracia: Fairy Tale, Drug Culture, and The American
Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich and Drug Abuse, Opposing Viewpoints by Tamara L. Roleff. For example, Barbara Ehrenreich gives us an appropriate quote when she states that, "if you want to stack Cheerios boxes or vacuum hotel rooms in chemically fascist America, you have to be willing to squat down and pee in front of a health worker,"
Williams, Terry. 1989. The Cocaine Kids: The Inside Story of a Teenage Drug Ring. New York: Da Capo Press.
The first two chapters of the book are about the drugs in general. The chapters explained how drugs have been used in the early history of the peoples for clients welfare, religious rites, but also to produce intoxication and euphoria.
Marijuana in America became a popular ingredient in many medicinal products and was openly sold in pharmacies in the late nineteenth century (“Busted-America’s War on Marijuana Timeline”). The National Institute of Drug Abuse defines marijuana as, “The dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa, which contains the psychoactive (mind-altering) chemical delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), as well as other related compounds” (“DrugFacts: Marijuana”). It was not until the Food and Drug act of 19...
Table 2 shows the average percent change from the three trials. The average percentages were calculated by adding the percentages from the three trials for each cup and then dividing by three which was the number of trials. The calculations used to calculate water potential for each of the solutions are shown. The formula for solute potential used was -iCRT. Figure 1 shows the graph of the different sucrose solutions in relation to the water potential of those solutions.
The Solubility of Potassium Nitrate Aim To investigate how the solubility of Potassium Nitrate is affected by Temperature. Background Knowledge Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) is an ionic compound. The strong ionic bonds hold the compound in an ionic lattice which gives KNO3 its crystalline structure. These ionic bonds also have other properties which will affect my investigation, I must be aware of these properties for greater accuracy in my method.
the cell. As water is lost the vacuole gets smaller as it is used to
Before Americans can make accusations that marijuana can only be used for the sole purpose of euphoric pleasure, they should first become knowledgeable of cannabis’s original and highly valuable uses that gave the plant its primary popularity. The herbal plant was actually a food source around 6000 BC, and it was used as a fiber two thousand years later. Another couple thousand years later was when cannabis obtained its first medical record in China and soon traveled to India and North Africa where cannabis began its use as a “recreational hallucinogen.” When Europe greeted marijuana at about 500 BC, users began classifying in what methods the plant can treat various medical conditions. The Americas were first introduced t...
Before we can debate the topic of marijuana we must first know the material. Marijuana also known as weed, cannabis, or reefer is a green plant that will virtually grow anywhere. Commonly developing up to 8ft in length cannabis can be consumed through digestion or inhaling. The only part of the plant that is consumed is the flower or bud. The stem and leaves of the plant can be broken down to make other materials. From this plant we could create consumer textiles, industrial textiles, paper, building materials, food, industrial products, and hygiene product...
moves along the cells of the root and up the xylem to the leaf. Water
Introduction The legalization of marijuana is considered a controversial issue, something that can benefit people for medical purposes, but what about recreationally? Marijuana has been illegal since 1937, but there’s never been a bigger push for legalization. There are several reasons why it is illegal, because of government propaganda and big industry not wanting to lose money, but this will be discussed later. The purpose of this paper is to educate, theorize, and discuss various aspects of marijuana, such as its history, development, and the advantages and disadvantages of marijuana legalization. Finally, my personal reflection on legalization and marijuana in general will be discussed.
Stanley, Janet E., Stanley J. Watson, and John A. Benson. Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base. Washington D.C.: National Academy P, 1999.
6. I then rinsed out the beaker and glass rod into the flask to make
Investigating the Hardness of Water Planning Aim To investigate the hardness of water in 5 different water solutions Background knowledge about hard water The hardness of water is caused by the presence of Calcium 2+ and magnesium 2+ ions in the water. These minerals in water can cause some everyday problems. They react with soap and produce a deposit called "soap scum" that remains on the skin and clothes and, because it is insoluble and sticky, cannot be removed by rinsing. Soap curd changes the pH of the skin and may cause infection and irritation. It also remains on the hair making it dull and difficult to manage.