Investigating Resistance of a Wire

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Investigating Resistance of a Wire

The aim of this experiment is to find out how the resistance changes

as the length of wire changes within the circuit changes. At the end

of this investigation I will come to one of five possible conclusions

which are:

-the resistance increases as the length of wire increases, or

-the resistance decreases as the length of wire increases, or

-the resistance is constant as the length of wire changes, or

-the resistance increases as the length of wire decreases, or

-the resistance decreases as the length of wire decreases.

Scientific background:

Electricity is simply the flow of electrons, a cell produces

electricity. Lots of cells joined together form a battery. A battery

pushes electrons round a circuit from the negative terminal to the

positive terminal.

The voltage of a battery is a measure of the energy delivered by the

electrons to the lamp. The unit of voltage is the volt. Voltage is

sometimes called potential difference. Current is measured using an

ammeter. An ammeter must always be connected in series with the

appliance taking the current to be measured.

Resistance is what links current and voltage together. Resistance is

the property of a substance which opposes the flow of current is

called its resistance. A substance which possesses low resistance is

said to be a good conductor of electricity; poor conductors are those

which posses high resistance. In 1827, George Simon Ohm, a German

scientist discovered the relationship between the potential difference

(voltage) applied between the ends of a conductor and the current

passing through it. This important relationship is now known as ‘Ohms

law’ which can be stated as follows:

‘The current passing through a conductor is directly proportional to

the potential difference applied across its ends, provided that the

temperature and other physical factors of the conductor are kept


The resistance of a wire is directly proportional to its length and

inversely proportional to its cross-sectional areas.

As said in ohms law, resistance also depends on the physical factors

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