Introduction To Aid And Development

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There are thousands of aid agencies around today that promise to feed the poor, develop communities and provide relief. To the unobservant outsider these agencies may all seem the same, but there are differences that make some more effective at what they do. TEAR is once such agency. Their practices and principles are different to others, but that is also what makes their work so effective. In this essay I will look at the approach TEAR takes to aid and development and reflect upon my experiences visiting one of their agency support groups.
TEAR (transformation, empowerment, advocacy and relief) is an organisation comprised of a group of Christians who are responding to the needs of poor communities in both Australia and the world. They partner with groups and community organisations in poorer areas and provide emergency relief and further development, as well as advocacy and justice for the disempowered. Their ultimate goal is to overcome global poverty and injustice (TEAR Australia, 2014). There are five principles or responses that underlie all the work done, these are to always be learning, to live out your beliefs, advocate for those who are unable, to pray and to give in any capacity you can (TEAR Australia, 2014). TEAR is unlike many other aid and development agencies that exist today, not only because of its strong Christian roots, but also as it finds and funds local projects rather than jumping in and starting its own. To support these programs TEAR receives aid from AusAID (a government initiative) as well as donations from individuals and businesses (TEAR Australia, 2014).
No matter how an aid and development organisation is run, there will be issues and problems involved. TEAR is no different and though they do so ...

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...ways things to learn and areas where you need to improve yourself. He thought that attending a TEAR group, like this one allowed him to constantly be challenged to accept people with willingness and openness. They agreed that though they may not always agree 100% with everything TEAR does it was important to have that support and friendship around them. Their confidence and passion comes from Christ and a desire to see his Kingdom come on earth today.
The approach TEAR takes to aid and development may be different from many of their peers, but it can clearly be seen that it works. Though, like any organisation it has its issues and struggles, the way they approach not just solutions but also aid and development is with a Christlike passion. To see the world as Christ did, not a hopeless case, but a community worth saving, and indeed it is a fight worth fighting.

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