Interpersonal Attraction Essay

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The way we perceive ourselves in relation to the rest of the world influences our behaviors and our beliefs. The opinions we have of others also affect our behavior and how we view ourselves within different social contexts. Social Psychologists are interested in all aspects of interpersonal attraction and the ways that psychology can improve those interactions (“Understanding” n.d.). The social research being conducted “…can help us acknowledge how we form attitudes towards other people within our lives, and in the case that these formed attitudes could be detrimental, how to allow understanding in order to conform” (“Understanding” n.d.). Social Psychologists have studied interpersonal relationships for years trying to understand how they …show more content…

The people who , by chance, are the ones you see and interact with the most often are the most likely to become your friends and lovers (Aronson, Akert, Wilson, 2013). People find others attractive by the closeness of those around you and by the familiarity aspects of others around you. Familiarity is the aspect that makes propinquity work best, this is called the mere exposure effect. We all are inclined to have positive outlooks towards factors that are familiar to us. “The more often we see certain people, and the more familiar they become ,the more friendship blooms” (Aronson, Akert, Wilson, 2013). It is in our nature to form relationships with people who have close or familiar attitudes, beliefs, and other factors throughout social contexts likewise to our own. Relationship forming can be as simple as developing some of our relationships, due to the fact that we happen to be around certain people at a certain place and …show more content…

People tend to be attracted to others who are alike in perspective attributes (“Effects” n.d.). This similarity contains a match between our interests, attitudes, values, background, or personalities within another person. Research done by social psychologists has proven that the more alike the opinions within people that the more that said relationship will bloom. Within the aspects of similarity, people tend to bond with people who seem to have similar interests and experiences. Sean Mackinnon, Christian Jordan, and Anne Wilson, conducted a study, where they studied physical similarity throughout a classroom setting. With this study they were handed a seat and told to sit beside someone who had already been seated. The research team then secretly measured how close the person had sat down their chair. Once the study was conducted they continued to study the pairs. The research team concluded that the pairs who looked more similar sat closer together than those who didn’t outwardly seem similar. This study proved how similarity influences behavior within

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