Internet Censorship among Countries

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Internet censorship is growing around the world and it affects us irregardless of the fact that as United States citizens we have more internet freedom than a lot of countries, but when these countries portray us as something we are not through censorship it contributes to the lack of understanding between countries and with misunderstanding comes hate. Whether you believe it or not there are many citizens of countries around the world that hate us simply because they do not understand us. The internet is an excellent tool to increase understanding around the world. As Americans we have been taught to be respectful with our postings online. Do all Americans follow suit in their activity online? Of course not, there is evil lurking on the internet and some of this comes directly from the citizens of the United States. As of 2010 there were over 1000 practicing hate groups in the United States alone (Social Problems). Many of these groups have websites they use to spread their hate and those that believe in government controlled censorship use these hate mongers as an example for why internet censorship is needed. These groups do not represent the average United States citizen; hate definitely does not represent my views. Even so as long as these hate groups do not break the laws of the United States; our government will not take these websites down. An organization known as the OpenNet Initiative investigates internet censorship globally, or as they call it internet filtering. They investigate internet censorship in the areas of political, social, conflict, security, email, internet hosting freedoms and any other tools used to access the internet and post their findings on Three groups make up the OpenNet Ini... ... middle of paper ... ...elson at either his Tampa Office by calling 813-225-7040, his Washington DC office by calling 202-224-5274 or on his website We cannot let CISPA go unchecked. Take action now. We must join together and protect our rights as United States citizens. Citizens from countries around the world seek our way of life by relocating to the United States to be part of a free society. We must act now to protect our rights as United States citizens and do all things possible to stop the passage of the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act or the generations that follow will not have the freedoms we have become accustomed to. So in closing I must reiterate the need to take action against internet censorship and the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. Become part of the democratic process and contact Senator Bill Nelson today.

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