Interference in Independent Haiti's Economy by Germany, France, and the USA

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Paper proposition Thesis: Haiti is a country that’s been subject to poverty and underdevelopment for as long as we can remember. However, before its independence, the former French owned colony of St Domingue was the most fruitful and profitable colony the kingdom had, so much that it was even called the crown jewel of France. After the country declared its independence in 1804, it was shunned both politically and diplomatically by the rest of the world. In this paper we will explore how between 1804 and the mid 1900s the world powers at the time, whether it is France, the USA or even Germany contributed to making sure that Haiti’s efforts never came to fruition economically. The republic of Haiti is a Caribbean country that gained independence in 1804 after a bloody slave revolution against the French that ruled and colonized the western part of the island. The revolution resulted in the abolition of slavery on the island and the self liberation of millions of slave. Even with their independence won, the hardships of Haiti were just beginning. As one would imagine the great powers of the time, being the U.S, Great Britain, Spain and especially France-as they had suffered the loss of their colony, were not enthused by this outcome. Haiti became a pariah amongst the wealthy nations of the world. Interestingly enough, even though the United States had only gained independence not three decades earlier, something that should have called for the embrace of the new nation, only the hypocrisy of slavery’s profitability would prevail. This coupled with Haiti’s outward rejection of white rule and determination for self determination as a country of blacks led to the young nation’s complete political and economic isolation from the rest... ... middle of paper ... ...ael; Heinl, Nancy Gordon (2005) [1996]. Written in Blood: The Story of the Haitian People, 1492–1995 (2nd Ed.). Lanham, Md; London: Univ. Press of America 3. François Blancpain, un siècle de relations financiers entre Haïti et la France (1825-1922) (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2001)66-67 4. Laurent Dubois, HAITI: the aftershocks of history,( New York: metropolitan books,2012) 117-118 5. Germany’s Empire in Venezuela, 1871-1914, Princeton N.J., Princeton University Press. 6. Laurent Dubois, HAITI: the aftershocks of history,( New York: metropolitan books,2012) 186-87 7. Montague, Haiti, 148-49; Logan, Diplomatic Relations, 436,442, 447-48; Douglass, « Haiti and the United States. Inside History of the Negotiations for the Mole St.Nicolas. I” 343-44 8. François Blancpain, un siècle de relations financiers entre Haïti et la France (1825-1922) (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2001)66-67

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