Intentional Teaching Theory

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Discussion 1

Intentional teaching is an approach where teacher’s actions and decisions are deliberate and thought out to ensure specific goals are created to reach specific outcomes in a child’s learning and development (Epstein, 2014). This then means teachers are taking on a more active role in children’s teaching and learning. Epstein (2014) carries on to say, if a teacher desires to practice this approach then it requires the teacher has knowledge on subject areas, the different way so of how children learn and develop and most effective ways to engage their exploration and investigation around their interests, skills and strengths REF

Sociocultural theories are found to underpin intentional teaching. The concepts of Scaffolding and …show more content…

Te Whāriki believes that socially and culturally mediated learning is paramount to a child’s learning and for children to discover and create reciprocal and responsive relationships (MoE, …show more content…

Furthermore, children are provided with opportunities to discover and develop their skills and knowledge through real life experiences, which create opportunities for authentic learning in multiple learning areas such science, mathematics and literacy (MacNaughton, 2010). This then creates a cross-curricula environment not a prescribed environment with specific subjects. For an integrated curriculum to be successful and thorough, teachers need to be able to identify the learning that is going on as it will be happening on different levels as with intentional teaching, the teacher is predicting the children to extend their skill sin a certain way through a certain activity therefore resulting in a specific outcome.

As well as Te Whāriki, being underpinned by sociocultural theories is underpinned by the ecological theory of Urie Bronfenbrenner. His Ecology model is a good example of social systems integrating and influences children to make sense of their world. The five systems in the model have a ripple effect influencing each system no matter where the ripple began. The Micro and Meso are the two most influencing in which see the child and their immediate setting such as family and education having the biggest and most significant

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