Integrated Circuit with Silcon

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Brief Introduce about how we make an integrated cricuit by silicon.
Why we have to use semiconductor?
Information is stored in our computing system by binary system, zero and one. So how do the computing system store and operate them? It switch between On and Off, representing one and zero. Semiconductors have a number of unique properties, one of them is their variable conductivity. Their conductivity can be changed through doping and gating etc. We can only perform quick switch between high and poor electrical conductivity on semiconductor.

Semiconductor device fabrication & Why silicon?
First, wafers production, a process produce extremely pure silicon as substrate. Then Photolithography, implantation, etching, deposition are used to form transistors on it, connecting them with metals. Silicon is widely used in nowadays in semiconductor. Although there are various kinds of semiconductors,
Silicon has largest reserve, several kinds of chemical/physics methods can be used while other semiconductors do not perform these properties.

But today we are looking at Carbon nanotube (CNT), which is thought to be complement of the next generation integrated circuit.

Introduce to CNTs (Carbon Nanotube)
Carbon nanotubes(CNT) are members of the fullerene structural family; You can understand its structure consider rolls the graphene (one-atom-thick sheets of carbon, sp2 bonds , chickend wire/honeycomb-like ) at a specific pattern. Van der waals force between them (more specifically, the pi-stacking interactions, just like graphite) align them into ropes. The pi bonds in it cause the vast electron delocalization (Aromaticity), the valance electrons are free to move in layers, futher more, in specified direction.
Many of the nanotube prope...

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...r more than one order magnitude. In theory, carbon nanotubes are also able to conduct heat nearly as well as diamond or sapphire, and because of their miniaturized dimensions, the CNTFET should switch reliably using much less power than a silicon-based device. This is important as the microminiaturization of our devices. We are looking forward to more breakthroughs in CNT technology.

The Future
With the continuous development of technology, the fabrication of carbon nanotubes also will be became more and more mature. We are bound to gain cheaper and cheaper carbon nanotubes more efficiently. Doping of Carbon Nanotubes will become more diversified. The application of carbon nanotubes also will be more close to our life, such as body armor made by carbon nanotubes, super computer made by carbon nanotubes. In a word, the prospect of carbon nanotube is immeasurable.

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