Importance Of Instructional Planning In Education

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The words instructional planning are at the top five most important words in relation to teaching. I open with this statement because while instructional planning is crucial for the classroom to run smoothly, it is also difficult to do well everyday, every week and every month. I was introduced to instructional planning the summer of 2014, during a week long professional development session for Oakland math teachers. Before coming to the training, I worried about what I would teaching and how I would teach it. After a couple of hours, I learned that the district had curriculum for each grade level that had been written by a group of Oakland teachers and math specialists. As I enter my third year of teaching, I continue to use Oakland Unified’s …show more content…

When I first started teaching three years ago, I would have defined as assessment as either a quiz or a test, however as I gained more tools in my tool belt I learned that there are a variety of ways to assess students. One assessment that I particularly find useful in my classroom is an explanation quiz. Explanation quizzes are one of the strategies Oakland Unified math uses to push student understanding and collaborative learning. I used explanation quizzes before a quiz or end of unit assessment because the strategy allows me discuss misconceptions certain groups or individuals are having before students are asked to show what they have learned independently. Explanation quizzes assess groups verbally through a series of convergent questions, which check for understanding. Each group is given a task card that is broken into checkpoints. Students work collaboratively to answer the problems and when everyone in the group can explain how to do the problem the group raises their hand and I randomly pick a team member and ask them a handful of questions. Every student in the group is responsibly for being able to explain because everyone in the group will be receiving the same grade for their participation that day. Explanation …show more content…

The third bullet point expresses the importance of “Candidates understand [ing] how to manage the appropriate use of support personnel, including volunteers, when available, and create plans for these individuals to assist students in reaching instructional goals.” During my second year of teaching, I was lucky enough to be introduced to some volunteers from the community who showed interest in supporting in my classroom once a week. This year I have three volunteers who support in my classroom by asking students questions, listening in on group conversations, passing out and collecting papers and grading. While these tasks are all helpful, I believe that I could be using my volunteers more appropriately. What I mean by appropriately, is that I could be pulling out small groups of students who are struggling while my volunteer is checking in with the other students or vice versa. This would give my struggling students more one on one attention to review concepts that they will need to “reach instructional goals” and feel successful or even proud of themselves. For the next trimester, I would like to challenge myself to create plans to pull out students during the days when I have volunteers in my

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