Insightful Philosophies

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Throughout the course of time and through many studies of philosophy the question of how should we behave as individuals has been asked by many of the world's greatest thinkers. Some of the more insightful approaches to how one should behave are found in the philosophies of African Communitarianism or "Ubuntu" by Munyaka and Mokgethi Motlhabi and Existentialism or Virtue Ethics of Aristotle.
Ubuntu is known as a set of institutionalized which direct the patterns of life of Africans. African people consider Ubuntu to be the most important quality of umntu ( a human being ). According to Chinkanda, it is a defined as a positive quality that one possesses. It is the eternal state of being or the very essence of being human. Individuals are looked at as one whole community. It is a disposition and it concerns values that contribute to the well-being of other individuals as well as the community. Ubuntu is identified with behaving according to one's human nature, and by implication, in a manner befitting a human being. Someone who lacks Ubuntu is viewed as inhuman. It represents a behavior that is instilled in individuals by society over a period of time. It is not just a manifestation of individual acts. It is better described as spiritual foundation, and inner state, or disposition towards good which motivates, challenges and makes one perceive, feel and act in a humane way towards others individuals. Ubuntu is a way of life that seeks to promote and manifest itself and is best realized made evident in harmonious relations within society. One of the basic focal points of the ethics of Ubuntu is that a person is a person, through other persons. This helps to eliminate personal egos and this is why Africans are more willing t...

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... ideal society with the basic view of anarchism No state is the ideal state. Government is tyrannical, violent, and prevents people from living as human beings. Religion is evil allows us to subjugate our selves which strips us of freedom. She also does not downplay violence and things such as negative emotions and actions. She is much rather for violence than against it. While Aristotle focused on virtues and straying away from extremes, Goldman welcomes what Aristotle would have labeled evil. She is much for radical ideas and actions which would be vices or actions and emotions that have no means whatsoever. She believes these radical ideas help deal with the initial problems presented to us that at times we choose to ignore. Under virtue ethics however, this would lead us further away from Eudaimonia because it would be going against our function as human beings.

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