Innovation In Julius Caesar Essay

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Rome Innovation: The Arch Uses: Used arches to span valleys such as aqueducts. It was also used to make theaters, amphitheaters, circuses, public baths, and basilicas. Significance: It shaped and influenced the Roman architectural style. It could also span long distances, like in the aqueducts. Romans relied on water-proof material, which was used in aqueducts. Innovation: Concrete Mortar Uses: Was used to build underwater structures, sort of like aqueducts. It was also used to construct well-designed buildings which still stand today. Significance: It was a long lasting material, as some building made from this concrete is still standing today. Without it, the aqueduct system wouldn’t be there and the Roman population would be decreasing, Innovation: Roman Roads Uses: They were used for trading and were …show more content…

They got germs from different people and dysentery or died. With the sewage system, less people got infected. Rarely, some people died from drinking dirty water. Innovation: Julian Calendar Uses: Was the first solar calendar. Is used to find out the date and time of day it is. Julius Caesar told an Alexandrian Astronomer to make a calendar and he did. The calendar solely depended on the Earth’s revolutions around the Sun. They had every third year be a leap year, but changed it to every fourth year later on. The extra day in the leap year would be added to February, like today, but February was the last month of the year. Significance: At some places, the Gregorian Calendar had take over. But, in the early 1900s, some countries still used the Julian Calendar. Even today, some Orthodox Churches use the Julian Calendar. Some people in Northern Africa still use the Julian Calendar too. They even use the Julian Calendar on a Mountain called Mount Ethos. Innovation:

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