Injuries In Homelessness

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There is an ample amount of data available that highlights the vulnerability of the homeless. According to one study, the main issue for emergency room visits by homeless individuals was acute injury, which constituted 55.3% of emergency room visits (Ku, Bon S. et al., 2010). These acute injuries can be unintentional injuries such as falls, which the homeless are more prone to (Frencher et al., 2010). Other physical injuries the homeless where seen for were or issues like sexual and physical assault. Studies have shown that the homeless population is more at risk to be sexually and physically because they engage in risky behaviors, such as sex work, live in high crime areas, among other reasons (Kushel et al., 2003). Another reason for emergency …show more content…

The easiest way to combat the health issues that seem to increase with homelessness is to attack the homelessness itself. Housing first is an initiative in the United States that is combatting homelessness by placing individuals who have experienced prolonged homelessness into permanent housing. Housing first also provides individuals with support in other fields to help formerly homeless individuals transition into their new life (Housing first fact sheet). Data shows that these individuals used the emergency room less, but other studies showed that these individuals have higher mortality rates than their homeless counterparts. This may be attributed to the fact that many of these housing first candidates already have chronic medical issues which can lead to premature death. For certain preventable issues such as accidents, drugs and alcohol deaths the housing first participants did have lower mortality rates than the homeless individuals (Henwood, Byrne, Scriber 2015). These findings could provide information that may help not only the individuals who transition from homelessness, but individuals who are suffering from chronic homelessness. Another way to solve homeless issues is to tackle the issues that cause homelessness such as drug abuse and mental health …show more content…

Homelessness can be attributed to many causes, and in turn can cause many issues not only for individuals, but the general public. Emergency rooms are usually the primary source of care for a large portion of the public and especially the homeless. The homeless use emergency room at higher rates than the general public and this leads to other effects such as over-crowding and large sums of public money being used to help these individuals. There are systems in place to help these homeless individuals get off the street, but they must be expanded in order to better serve this population. This could alleviate some of the health issues they face, and essentially freeing up that money being used by them and lessening the use of emergency rooms for preventable

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