Initial Data Center Consolidation Plan

1137 Words3 Pages

Initial Data Center Consolidation Plan

Defense Management Data Center

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Agency Approach, Rationale and Timeline 6

Agency Governance Framework for Data Center Consolidation 8

Agency Governance Framework for Data Center Consolidation 8

Initial Assessment 9

Appendix A: Initial Data Center Consolidation Plan Template.............................................10


The objective of the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) is to reduce the overall energy use and footprint of the DMDC data centers located in Seaside, CA; Auburn Hills, MI; Rosslyn, VA; and Alexandria (Beauregard), VA.

Through ongoing virtualization efforts, the DMDC is reducing the operating costs and increasing the efficiency of all data centers. The DMDC has been replacing End-of-Life (EOL) equipment with new equipment which has increased computational power and a lower operating cost, the investment will provide for more efficient computing platforms and technologies.

DMDC is also exploring opportunities within the guidelines of the Federal Cloud Computing Initiative. Cloud computing has the capability to reduce the cost of DMDC’s IT infrastructure by utilizing commercially available technology that is based on virtualization of servers, databases and applications to allow for capital cost savings.

Agency Goals for Data Center Consolidation

Reduction of the cost of data center hardware, software and operations

The goals for DMDC data centers includes a 80% end-state virtualization of all applicable servers, xx% end-state virtualization of storage systems; xx% end-state virtualization of applications and xx% end-state virtualization of operations (networks,

Increase overall IT se...

... middle of paper ...

...osslyn, VA Virtualization FY11

DMDC BEAU Alexandria, CA Virtualization FY11

Agency Governance Framework for Data Center Consolidation

DMDC has and will establish sustained IT governance to eliminate redundant spending on systems, infrastructure and operations; eliminate isolated systems solutions; develop metrics to assist executives on decisions of data centers and infrastructure.

DMDC will conduct benchmarking against other government data centers and best-of-breed comparable private organizations by tracking performance across all departments; establishing sensible Service Level Agreements (SLA) and Operational Level Agreements (OLA) for DMDC operated data centers; and create an advisory board to assist with the benchmarking initiative.

Initial Assessment

Appendix A: Initial Data Center Consolidation Plan Template

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