Informative Essay On Dodge Ram W150

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DODGE!!! In my opinion it's the best but not everyone thinks so. I want to explain why i think its the best by saying its ups and downs and trying to convince you of what i already know. Everyone has their thoughts about everything. I bought one and I love it, but just like everything it has its ups and downs. My truck is a 1993 Dodge Ram W150. I am not singling out that year and make I am just saying that's my favorite year. It runs good but also like everything else they can break down. They don't break down if you take care of them unlike some other vehicles i'm not gonna talk about because i don't have nice things to say about it. I have lots more information about Dodge trucks to come. Dodge is a very good truck in my opinion so i can tell you lots about its ups and downs. …show more content…

It is in the top 5 list of best and longest lasting trucks in america and has been for a very long time. Dodge is the best known its D350 Cummins engine because that motor is built to last. this site shows the top 5 best rated viechles in 2017 and the 2017 dodge is number 3. My next point explains a lot more about dodge. Dodge has one of the biggest contracts with cummins out of any other truck types. Throughout time dodge has had a big contract with cummins to make them really good diesel motors for their trucks and some Dodge diesel cars. there is other contracts with cummins for other vehicles but none of them are as big as dodge’s contract. talkes about dodges contract with cummins and they state a lot of facts and non facts from everyone. Dodge is great and i will always back that up so i have more

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