Influence of Particle Size on Ice Nucleation and Growth During the Freeze-Casting Process

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1. Introduction

The templating of porous materials using ice, through the process of freeze-casting, have seen a greatly increased attention during the past few years, regarding not only ceramics, but also polymers1 and metals2. The process is environmentally-friendly, using water as a removable template, highly versatile, and the resulting structures highly tuneable by various tweaks of the process such as an improved control of the nucleation conditions or the use of additives affecting the morphologies of the growing crystals3. The typical processing conditions include directional solidification, using a cooling step starting at room temperature. Under these conditions, nucleation and growth in the suspension has to occur before the ice crystals can reach a steady state, progressively growing in the temperature gradient, and yielding homogeneous and directional materials, after sublimation of the ice and sintering of the resulting green body. In all cases, this initial nucleation and growth stage results in the presence of a structural gradient close to the cooling surface, corresponding to the progressive selection of the stable crystals structure4. Such gradient has been reported numerous times, such as figure 2 of reference 5, figure 12 of reference 6, figure 8 of reference 7, figure 6a-b of reference 8, figure 2 of reference 9, and a number of other studies. The presence of this structural gradient is explained by the initial conditions during the freezing stage, and is characterized by two distinct regions. A first region, with no porosity, corresponds to the formation of amorphous ice during the very first stages of solidification10, where supercooling effects are probably present. A second region, with a gradient of por...

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... Soc., 92[8] 1874-1876 (2009).

10 M. C. Gutierrez, M. Ferrer, and F. del Monte, "Ice-Templated Materials: Sophisticated Structures Exhibiting Enhanced Functionalities Obtained after Unidirectional Freezing and Ice-Segregation-Induced Self-Assembly," Chem. Mater., 20[3] 634-648 (2008).

11 S. Deville, E. Maire, G. Bernard-Granger, A. Lasalle, A. Bogner, C. Gauthier, J. Leloup, and C. Guizard, "Metastable and unstable cellular solidification of colloidal suspensions," Nature Materials, 8 966-972 (2009).

12 S. S. L. Peppin, M. G. Worster, and J. S. Wettlaufer, "Morphological instability in freezing colloidal suspensions," Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A, 463[2079] 723-733 (2007).

13 D. Ehre, E. Lavert, M. Lahav, and I. Lubomirsky, "Water Freezes Differently on Positively and Negatively Charged Surfaces of Pyroelectric Materials," Science, 327[5966] 672-675 (2010).

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