Influence Of Mass Media And Body Image

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First of all, media psychology, communication theory and sociology refer media effects as the theories about the ways in which mass media and media culture affect how their audiences think and behave. Media nowadays is considered a window for learning and is also considered to be our main window to the world. Many popular magazines tell individual to focus on their physical attributes such as; body shape, muscle tone, bone structure, hair, makeup, clothing, and rarely mention the importance of being smart, sophisticated, or other positive attributes that have nothing to do with physical attributes. The significant of media such as fashion print allows individuals to express themselves. They are the most visible and overlooked of cultural sectors. Fashion can be …show more content…

Individual’s body image may be affected by comparing themselves to ideal standards such as supermodels or other images of beauty. Therefore, individual’s tendency to compare themselves with ideal standards influences not only one’s body image but also appearances management.” There’s 3 types of effects; the effects model or the hypodermic model, the used of gratification model and the reception theory. These theories consist that the audience that tends to consume these media are passive and powerless to avoid influence. The effect model contributed to moral panic. “When considering body image effects, it is important to consider what Shrum (2009) observed: that cultivation may not always create attitudes, but often serves to reinforce them. The more “thin ideal” images women observe, the more accessible these images become.” Shape-related disorders such as anorexia and bulimia are not only results of poor body image but are also glamorized by the media as well. Although the media isn’t the only cause of eating disorders, they are a massive contribution, especially in today’s technology

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