Ineffective Homeopathic Medicine

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Homeopathy is a form of medication that works on the bases of ‘Simila Similibus Curenta’ which means ‘Like Cures Like’. If a patient shows certain symptoms that are known to be caused by a given herb, yet those symptoms are not caused by the herb, it is given to the patient to cure the symptoms. For example, if a patient has a cold, one of the symptoms is watery eyes, and so the medicine will contain onion extract since onions cause the same symptoms. However, this phenomenon is illogical in the world of biology. There have been many scientific studies that have proven homeopathic medicines are no better than simple placebos (Robbins, 2010). Homeopathy’s basic principle was formulated over 200 years ago by German physician, Samuel Hahnemann. According to him, symptoms of diseases can be cured by a very small amount of substances that produce identical symptoms. Hahnemann called this new field of medication homeopathy, which is derived from the Greek words “homoios” meaning related and “pathos” meaning suffering. However, there has been a change in the scientific attitude towards this type of medicine. Homeopathic medicine should be avoided because previous studies that claim homeopathy to be effective have been biased, recent research proves it futile and homeopathic medicine deceives and indirectly harms patients.

Homeopathy and its effectiveness have been argued since its creation in the late 1700s. In the early days of scientific research most experiments were designed with fatal flaws and extreme bias plagued the scientific community. Most research that states homeopathy as an effective form of medication was done in the 1940s, but the methods of research were done poorly and essentially have zero reliability (Liebert, 2005...

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Kavalier, F. (2011). Why do pharmacists sell homoeopathic remedies?. BMJ, Retrieved from

Robbins, M. (2010). Forget homeopathy, doctors need to make up their minds about placebos. The Guardian, Retrieved from /feb/22/stop -homeopathy-funding-commons

Spencer, D. (2005, November 21). New study is boost to homeopathy. Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, FDA. (2010). Cpg sec. 400.400 conditions under which homeopathic drugs may be marketed Retrieved from m074360.htm

Water Memory. Wikipedia. Retrieved April 26, 2011, from

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