Industrialization In America Essay

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The industrial revolution was a period during the 1780s all the way through to the late 1900s in America. During this time great change was brought about in the way we think, act and perceive the world around us. The industrialization of america affected everyone there, it affected the children, the adults and it even affects us today. Mechanics and Entrepreneurs thrived in this time. Many positive changes occurred and new inventions and discoveries were spread. Industrialization had a positive impact on U.S. society due to the rise of oil, light bulbs and the production Transcontinental Railroad. Oil is a product created by the earth that was made popular by John D. Rockefeller and provided many positive solutions to problems and led to change in the way we function in our everyday lives. Oil provided something to use instead of whale oil which was being overused and the hunting was leading to a near extinction of sperm whales. Not only did it lead to the survival of …show more content…

The Transcontinental Railroad led to many positive things such as turning a 6 to 18 month journey into a travel only 4 to 6 days long. This railroad also lead to the shipment of goods all across america faster and cheaper. This is called mail order and lead to the production of Sears and makes America the world's largest manufacturer. Not to to mention it aided in settlement and the movement of many people west. The Industrial revolution, overall, had a huge positive effect on the 1800s and our world today. Leading to the spread of oil and cars, light bulbs, and people to the west east and all over the world. With Oil powering our main mode of transportation, cars, lightbulbs shining in the dark without the danger of fire, and the Transcontinental Railroad transporting many goods and people across the country. The Industrial revolution definitely improved our way of

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