Indian Dowry and Marriage System

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Why does the “dowry” still exist in the world? The word “dowry” has a deep meaning which needs to be noticed in this cruel society. Indian society is surrounded with many problems such as unemployment, population growth, and terrorism. Among these problems, a challenging and hideous tradition is the dowry system. Dowry is the non-refundable money or property in which the groom or his family demands wealth of the bride at the wedding. Marriage is a religious and social event; the exchange of properties has become an institutionalized custom in India. Marriage is a contract of being united between the people of the opposite sex, which is also known as forming a couple or spouses. Many people are uninformed about the dowry. There are only a few countries that have the dowry system. Besides India, there are some other countries that have common practices, such as Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Pakistan. Aside from the strong Indian rituals and customs, there are some certain disgraces that women suffer based on discrimination from the society in regards to marriage and dowries, such as poor education, lack of law enforcement, and few social freedoms.
Only a few parts of India have freedom. In undeveloped cities, there are few women’s rights. Traditionally, marriages are arranged by the parents. Women are not allowed to choose their own life partner. A bride’s desirability is based on her suitability as a “homemaker” and wife. In some middle class family, if the bride's family is unable to provide abnormal dowry, they marry their young daughter to an unworthy men (old or disabled) who does not ask for a dowry (Nirmi 2). Based on the religious appearance, the girl’s family is scared of loosing respect for their own....

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...d specially the men will not do anything. It is in their advantage when women are unaware, afraid and weak. With education, women will have no issue revealing their deserved status. Indian Police and court should enforce a strict law to evade this system and to create better lives for women but it is up to them, the women really to stand up for their rights. Unless we do it, it will break apart many families and relationships. Life is not fair but men and women must get the same opportunity to live their lives. Indian society should be focused in banishing the cruel system of dowry because it is based on cruelty and hatred and it kills women. Therefore, we should spread our word to banish dowry systems everywhere to keep all the families together so we can respect everyone similarly. A woman respecting themselves is the key which can be achieved by education only.

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