The Independent Girl: The Definition Of Independent Girls

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Have you ever noticed the word strong always precedes independent girls? I think the very definition of the world implies strength, however, I also believe that the word strong is added to further add an element that really gets the message across. When it comes to a man, we usually say 'strong men ' or 'independent men ' but not both together. Independent girls are strong. In fact, they may be stronger than men because they have to fight against the stereotypes put in front of them in regards to Independence. Not sure you understand independent girls? Following are 20 things you need to know.

1. You Can 't Tell Them What To Do

Independent girls are not controlled by anyone. They know what they want and like, and they are not going to …show more content…

This is where their strength really shines through. They won 't back down. They will stay confident around other people. And people who are not as independent as they are will find them a little scary, if not downright frightening. This is especially true of men who are not used to independent girls in their life.

9. They Have A High Sense Of Awareness

Because independent girls know who they are and what they want out of life, they are much more aware than other people. They can see truths and lies easier, both in other people and in themselves. For this reason, you can play games with them. They will see the games for what they are and stop you in your tracks. Furthermore, they are not victims, so you can 't bully them into anything. They know they are in control of their life, not you, so your attempts to guilt, ridicule, or force them to do what you want will be in vain.

10. They Put A Lot Of Pressure On …show more content…

They Try To Think Positively

Because independent girls are not victims in life, they try to keep a positive mindset about their life. This doesn 't mean that they don 't have a lot of bad days, but it does mean that they see things from an optimistic view and they don 't let life beat them down. If they did, they would be far from independent, and they know it.

14. They Are Inspiring!

They feel like they can do anything, and that inspires other people around them. The more girls come out as independent, the more will see independence as a trend among girls. Believe me when I say there are tons of girls who crave to be true to themselves, but are being held back by limiting beliefs and fears. They need to see girls claiming their independence and living it so that they can claim theirs too.

15. They Know They Are Not Always Right

Independent girls do not know it all, nor do they claim to. They are on a journey in life, and they know that keeping their mind open will help them find more satisfaction and happiness in life. They also know what is right for them in this moment and that it may not be right for everyone, so they are not afraid to admit that other people are going to have a different opinion than

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