Obesity In The United States

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While the issue of obesity in America is taking center stage, a less conspicuous health issue of equal importance is occurring in many families throughout the country. This nutrient deficiency is known as malnutrition. Malnutrition is most abundant in families living in poverty. It has a distinct set of symptoms and can cause irreversible damage if not treated properly. Though malnutrition isn’t a lost cause, organizations such as Unicef and ACF are not only covering the home front, they are reaching out to developing countries as well. Aside from privately funded organizations, federally funded programs have been made accessible to families in need as well. Malnutrition is defined as the condition a body is in when it is not receiving …show more content…

It is most commonly due to an unbalanced diet, though some other causes include lack of vital nutrient absorption, digestive issues, and certain medical conditions. Symptoms have slight variation depending on the age and the case of the person it is affecting. In juveniles and adolescents some of the symptoms they could experience include fainting, irritability, irregular menstruation, stunted growth and hair loss. Adults are often considered to have malnutrition if they lose over 10% of their mass in a span of three months without an established diet. Other symptoms that often occur in adults include decreasing body mass indexes (BMIs), fatigue, dizziness, dry or flaky skin and coarse hair, weakened nails, prolonged healing of cuts and minor wounds, and increase in vulnerability to infectious diseases. Some less common symptoms may also include diarrhea or constipation and depression. Some indicators of a vitamin deficiency include skin and hair irregularities, tongue swelling, mouth sores, poor vision in dimly lit areas or during the night time, breathlessness, buzzing or ringing in ears, anemia or lack of iron, and joint and bone pain ( symptoms contributed by Pubmed Health and Medical.net). Each of these symptoms can be treated individually upon consulting your doctor. To test for malnutrition, nutrient assessments or blood work are most commonly

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