Importance Of Written Communication In Ib

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ICTIB we often use face to face communication, this can happen on daily basis this is the most common way of communication inside ICTIB, using this method people can exchange ideas or achieve the their goals together, face to face communication can be fast just a quick talk can often solve a lot of problems, body language can also be used to express the ideas in a better way. But face and face communication can only happen when people would see each other, it would not be possible if people are in different countries and can not meet up due to various reasons.

Not everyone likes being told something and often people can not remember everything that was in the conversation to prevent this and help people remember better about the events to come or information people need to know. This is the reasons why written communications become important, written communications can be in leaflets, Microsoft Word documents and handouts format so that people would get a visual view and helps the visual learners to learn better. Written communications can be used by everyone in ICTIB, from communicating with other workers in ICTIB who in a different country(writing an email to them) or writing on our website to recruit new people. Writing word documents can be really easy and fast also proofread check the document However printing …show more content…

Presentations are done inside Microsoft powerpoint which require skill and time put into it, it is a good way of verbal and visual communication to get the message across. Do be careful because a perfect presentation can be very hard to create this is due to communication barriers of background noise, cultural differences, shy presenter and loss of attention. The plus side about presentations is that the presenter only has to do the job once to a large audience; images and video clips can all be added into the presentation which can not be done over phone or text

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