Importance Of Training And Employee Development

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Training And Employee Development
Training and developing employees is one of the principal fields of human resources. Orienting employees to their workplace will influence their productivity and retention in the future. There are several components that contribute to a successful development thus many professionals in this field argue that training is one of the most neglected functions in many organizations. Orienting employees comes hand in hand with a well-rounded motivation strategy that integrates performance and satisfaction. While it is essential for employees to feel appreciated and good about what they are doing, it is necessary to hold them accountable for their results. Preparation and continuous learning supported by consistent reinforcement are crucial for sustained success. Prosperous companies are able to reach such accomplishments because they count on productive people who are satisfied with their work environment, have been well trained, and who are proud and committed to the company’s success. Aligned companies know the value of finding culturally compatible top talent; Job morale among employees, reduced employee turnover, increased capacities to adopt new technologies, and increased innovation in strategies are several vigorous reasons for managers and owners to commit to training employees. The four principals that make up effective training are: needs assessment, planning and designing, implementation, and feedback. Applying this model when orienting employees, allows for both managers and subordinates to climb higher and higher toward their full potential.

Analyzing what is needed within the business is the first step of training, and if done correctly the entire orientation process can be very successf...

... middle of paper ... and cost effective ways to train. The four principals that training requires are all equally as important. One is not more significant than the other. Training requires having the mindset of a mentor and as mentors managers must have integrity, consideration of others, authenticity, honesty, and must honor confidentiality. It important to always keep into consideration that at one point all human being have been through some type of training, so respect must always be implemented. As mentioned above, if an employee feels respected and appreciated he or she will react positively to the orientation process. Analyzing the relevant needs of the company, developing a proper and efficient training session, implementing the designed sessions accurately and evaluating the entire orientation process are the correct steps to successfully train and develop new employees.

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