Importance Of Teaching Games For Understanding In Physical Education

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There are many approaches in teaching a physical education class. Some approaches are Teaching games for understanding, movement education, direct, and indirect teaching. I am here to give you why teaching games for understanding is substantial in physical education class. Griffin stated that “ Teaching games for understanding (TGFU) is a leaner- and game- centered approach to sport-ranted games learning with strong ties to a constructivist approach to learning”. Teaching give student a well round skill set for specific sports. Gym teachers won 't need to focus on one sport when they are teaching they can focus on multiply activities. Teaching games for understanding emerged at Loughborough University. Which is located in the United Kingdom. …show more content…

Also it can give kids a certain skill set that could help them when they eventually get to a other sport. for example you could play the game knock out in class and this game will help you get a understanding of what a free throw is. Knock out will also help you shoot the ball better in basketball. The reason why is, it gives you the chance to shoot a lot of shots and puts pressure on the shooter when they are shooting the basketball. Therefore the pressure of the game can transfer to a real basketball game. For the people who don 't what knock out is its game where every one starts at the free throw line. People are lined up waiting for the person in the front of them to shoot. If the person in front misses their first shoot they will need to make their shot before the person behind them make it. If the person behind the person in front makes the shoot before the person in front they will be …show more content…

For example you do not put a big students with small student. Puts Them at higher risk for injury, Also this can be foreseeable and the teacher will then be liable for any injury that could happen to the students. The teaching games for understanding website has said, “This is the observed outcome; it is independent of the learner. It is a measure of the appropriateness of response, as well as the efficiency of technique”. This means that you should teach the students the appropriate activity for the majority of

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