Importance Of Sensorial Education

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Introduction to Sensorial Education
Sensorial Education involves refining the senses of the child to better observe the environment. The main purpose of Sensorial work is for the child to acquire clear, conscious information and be able to then make classifications in his environment. Children have many sensory experiences in their daily lives and learn just by interacting with their world; for example: they learn colors, the relative size of objects, the geometric shapes. My daughter who is 2 years old can recite the rainbow poem and can sometimes identify the color ‘red’. The Montessori Method of Educating the senses helps the child discretely discriminate between sense stimuli that are even difficult for the adults, and to expose a child …show more content…

For ex: The Red Rods which are very similar to the Number Rods, prepare the child indirectly for counting. The child unconsciously counts ten red rods while building the stair on the work rug. Children are introduced to many new words like rough, smooth, thick, thin, circle, sphere etc. through sensorial presentations, thereby enhancing their vocabulary. Exercises like the Knobbed cylinders require the child to use the pincer grasp to pick up the cylinders, which in-turn would indirectly prepare him for …show more content…

These exercises train the child to become a keen observer and also to form judgements. As adults, it becomes necessary both personally and professionally to take decisions on a daily basis. Therefore, Sensorial training improves the decision making skills of a

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