Importance Of Porphyrin

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Porphyrins are natural occurring compounds consisting of tetrapyrrolic macrocycle as shown in Figure 1.1 (A). Porphyrins are essential for living organism as they involve in various biological processes such as oxygen binding, electron transfer, biocatalysis and photochemical routes (Cragg, 2005). Metals in biological system are often bound to porphyrin forming metalloporphyrins. For example, magnesium binds to porphyrin to form chlorophyll (Figure 1.1 (B)) that plays the role as a light harvesting agent in the photosynthesis process. While iron binds to porphyrin to form haemoglobin (Figure 1.1 (C)) which is responsible for sophisticated oxygen transport in mammals (Donald, 2001).

Figure 1.1 Molecular structure of (A): porphyrin, (B): chlrophyll and (C): haemoglobin
The abundance and importance of porphyrin in nature make it interesting scaffold for technological and scientific studies. The π electrons rich macrocycle of porphyrin makes its structure rigid and stable. In addition, the four nitrogen atoms in the macrocycle readily coordinate to wide variety transition metals. Besides, the large macrocycle in porphyrin provides spaces for further functionalization. Its properties can be fine-tuned by introducing substituents or changing the central metal ion. This ability enables porphyrin to be modulated to fit different applications by …show more content…

In homogeneous catalysis, oxidation of alcohols to corresponding aldehyde and ketone requires a stoichiometric amount of oxidant such as chromium(VI), permanganate, DMSO and DDQ (Cardona and Permeggiani, 2015). Consequently, all of these oxidants suffer drawbacks of generating high amounts of organic and inorganic toxic side products after the reaction. Furthermore, these methods are usually carried

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