Importance Of Personality On Academic Achievement

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Academic achievement is important to individuals for personal accomplishment, peer recognition, high school accomplishments, college accomplishments, and future employment. Typically, intelligence and general ability come to mind when thinking of academic achievement. Evidence has shown there is a high correlation between intelligence and academic achievement. Prior achievement is a good predictor of achievement. Good grades and are good indicators of academic success but personality plays an important role as well (Ahammer & Schaie, 1970; Hogan & Weiss, 1974; Spengler, Brunner, Martin, & Ludtke, 2016). Research has investigated cognitive predictors (intelligence, ability) of academic success but it has also investigated noncognitive predictors, …show more content…

Different psychologist has tried to coin personality and make a measurement that captures all aspects of personality. However, each theorist has looked at personality from different views and angles. Giving the field of personality many different measurements. This resulted in inconsistent findings and methodological problems. This problem as contributed to the quality of personality research and academic achievement. Personality measures were not designed to predict academic achievement unlike intelligence test (Cervone & Pervin, 2016; Oakland, 1969; Poropat, 2009). Predictive power of personality on academic achievement has no correlation with intelligence or cognitive ability (Noftle & Robins, 2007). The measurement used by each research sample may be different or now outdated. However, the researchers used the most adequate personality measurement for their specific time. These measurements will differ upon time of …show more content…

Each letter stands for a trait. Openness to experience is being open to feelings, new things, to actions, to ideas, and values. Conscientiousness is task oriented, goal oriented, persistent, organized, and dependable. Extraversion is interpersonal interaction with traits of assertiveness, cheerfulness, and sociability. Agreeableness is also an interpersonal with traits of likeability, trusting, cooperative, tolerant, and courteous. Neuroticism is emotional stability or lack of. Traits are irritability, sadness, anxiety, and impulsivity (Cervone & Pervin, 2016; Poorthuis, Thomaes, Denissen, van Aken, Orobio de Castro, 2014; Trapmann, Hell, Hirn, & Schuler,

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