Nursing Theory Case Study

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Introduction Nursing theory can be defined as a conceptualization of some aspect of reality that pertains to nursing. The conceptualization is articulated for the purpose of describing, explaining, predicting, or prescribing nursing care (Smith & Parker, 2015). During the completion of my BSN, I gained knowledge on the very basics of nursing theory. Now during my completion of my MSN, it has been an eye opening experience to view nursing theory and its application to the nursing profession. In the following analysis, the importance of nursing theory and its application will be established. I will discuss Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring and apply its key concepts into practice. We will look over the important concepts of her theory and …show more content…

Compared with medical professionals, nurses appear to be reluctant to rely on professional rationales for their actions, preferring to use managerial justifications and implementing ‘top down’ approach to care. (Adamson, 2013). When a gap in nursing care is perceived, theory is often used to improve these outcomes. Theory provides an overall vision and understanding of the profession of nursing by offering guidance. Not only in nursing, but theory can be applied to any profession as it serves as a tool for guidance of practice. The legitimacy of a profession is based on its ability to generate and apply theory (McCrae, 2012). Without nursing theory, nursing would be a profession guided by by medicine and physicians. Theory guides nurses by shaping its professional boundaries and helps nurses make decisions on current and potential patient needs. The one concern with nursing theory is that theories do not provide the same type of procedural guidelines for practice as do situation based guidelines and procedures. This means that nursing theory may not always be the go to guideline in a specific situation that would require you to follow rules. Some examples of this can be managing post op bleeding, prepping for colonscopy, medication administration for detox patients, and wound care management. Although nursing theory can be applied to these examples, there are set specific guidelines …show more content…

The major concepts of Watson’s theory include caritas processes, transpersonal caring, and the caring moment. (Watson, 2008). Caritas is a term that identifies how nurse approaches their patient and co-workers. Positive “caritas” leads way for developing therapeutic rapport and respect. The second major concept is transpersonal caring. This basically means the connection of the outer and inner body to develop nurse-patient relationship. The last major concept of Watson’s theory is the caring moment. The caring moment happens when the nurse and patient come together with their unique life histories and enters into the human-to human transaction (Watson, 2008). Basically, this is the time the nurse and patient develop a personal relationship that can promote the healing

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