Importance Of Motivation In The Workplace

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Motivation in a High-Stress Hospital Floor
Jeffrey Eubanks
September 21, 2017

Employee motivation is an important part of the healthcare organization, when in a stressful working environment. There are many factors that affect employee performance, working conditions, employer relationship, training opportunity, job security, and employee’s rewards. Among those factors, which affect employees' performance, the motivation that comes with rewards is of utmost importance. Motivation is an accumulation of different process that influences and direct our behavior. Employees need to feel like they are important to the mission of the hospital.
The strongest predictor of nurse job dissatisfaction and intent to leave a job in stress in the …show more content…

It is a positive association between job satisfaction and job performance and patient satisfaction and quality of care. The high workload is a direct stressor of hospital employees. A heavy workload can lead to decrease in performance and a danger to the patient. Employees experiencing stress and burnout may not be able to perform efficiently and effectively because their physical and cognitive resources may be reduced. The workload can be a factor contributing to errors. The high workload in the form of time pressure may reduce the attention devoted by a nurse to safety-critical tasks, thus creating conditions for errors and unsafe patient …show more content…

She has been an employee at this hospital for the past three years. Her previous evaluations have shown that she is an asset to the hospital. Her last evaluation was not done, because of preparing for the upcoming Joint Commission. Over the past three months, Susan performance has dropped to a lower than her last evaluation on record. She has been arguing with the physicians, about their treatment plans and the other nurses on the floor. She complains no one is listening to her and no one wants to hear her opinion. She feels that her pay is too low for what she must put up with on the floor. The hospital has seen an increase in the patient because of the closure of a hospital in the region. The hospital has a lack stress on the floors to turn the rooms over at an increased rate than normal. All the nurse has received a five percent raise for the increased stress and patient load. Jane the nursing supervisor thinks that a monetary compensation is an answer to the problem. The hospital has the high paid staff in the region, but Susan is an unhappy

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