Importance Of Money In The Great Gatsby

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The coined phrase, “money can’t buy happiness” is an infamous saying that has pondered many minds. The debate over what wealth brings to a person’s life has been around long before currency became a way of payment. As long as money is made, there will always be people who have more of it than others. These people are the ones who attend the lavish parties, dress in clothes of gold, and drink water from the rivers in Fiji. These people are filthy rich, and although “money can’t buy happiness”, it sure can buy them everything they desire. In the United States, the 1920’s was a time full of dancing flappers, wealth, extravagant parties, and lots of fun. The 1925 novel, The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, tells the story of Nick Carraway, a young man who moves to New York City and becomes entangled in the mystery of Jay Gatsby. Throughout the novel, readers unravel the tragic tale of Gatsby working his way to winning back Daisy Buchanan, a rich, elite women who is married to the wealthy, Tom Buchanan. In The Great Gatsby, a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the use of Tom, Daisy, and Gatsby’s characterization helps to establish the importance of wealth in the novel demonstrating that the desire to be wealthy leads to decisions based on greed and materialism, making characters in the novel chose money over everything else. In The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby’s characterization shows that he seeks Daisy more for her wealth and what she brings, …show more content…

These three characters actions all revealed that they chose greed over love. The use of Tom, Daisy, and Gatsby’s characterization helps to establish the importance of wealth in the novel demonstrating that the desire to be wealthy leads to decisions based on greed and materialism, making characters in the novel choose money over anyone and everything by the conclusion of the

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