Importance Of Mental Health

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Mental health: a mental state marked by the absence of personal discomfort and socially disruptive behaviour. The emphasis is not upon an enduring set of traits but rather upon the capacity for adapting to environmental conditions, working productively with other or alone, and attempting to improve society as well as one's own personal condition. The World Health Organization defines mental health as "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community". Mental health (or behavioral health) describes a level of psychological well-being, or an absence of a mental disorder. Mental health can also be defined as an expression of emotions, and as signifying a successful adaptation to a range of demands. Maintaining good mental health is crucial to living a long and healthy life. Good mental health can enhance one's life, while poor mental health can prevent someone from living an enriching life. Mental health is the balanced development of the individual's personality and emotional attitudes which enable him to live harmoniously with his fellow men. Mental health is influenced by both-biological and social factors. It is not a static condition but subject to variations and fluctuations in degree, It is the capacity in an indivi­dual to form harmonious relations with others and to contribute constructively to changes in his-social and physical environment. Mental illness can affect anyone. Epidemiological approach One of the major approaches to the sociological study of mental illness is epidemiological approach. It focuses on health status of group of population rather... ... middle of paper ... a person raises questions about their self-esteem and self-efficacy which impacts on societal stigma as well as self-stigma. People diagnosed with mental illness are ashamed of their illness so they do not openly talk about it or seek help. Labelling a mentally ill person can lead them to get proper treatment or may lead them to never get any help. Stress approach medications to control symptoms, eventually they need support and prevent triggering, DSM Events in a persons life, such as death of a loved one, starting a new job, college, unemployment, and even marriage can impact the disorders Physical conditions such as brain injury or HIV/AIDS that can result in symptoms of mental illness If parent have MI, STRESS on children

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