Importance Of Marketing As A Tool Of Analysis

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What is the marketing mix and why is it useful as a tool of analysis?

The main objective of this study is to demonstrate how the marketing mix applies to a product and why is an important tool of analysis.
In this essay will discuss about the importance of the mix of marketing and analysis instrument by applying the mix of marketing in creating a strategy for the placing on the market of a new product. It will build a plan on the basis of the theories expressed by the specialists of the years 50 until today
Marketing proposes to meet the needs and wishes of consumers ,satisfying them.But, knowledge of consumers is not quite a simple thing. It is possible for them to express their needs and desires and to act however in a way the opposite total; …show more content…

Bennett (editor), Dictionary of Marketing Terms, 2d edition, AMA ,1995)
The limit of this definition is that does not have in view, an adaptation of the objectives that can be obtained at the target market , which affects the trade …show more content…

The marketing mix is the set of marketing tools that the company uses to achieve its marketing objectives in the target market.
Creator of the concept was Professor Neil H. Borden, of Harvard University, who initially identified- in 1957- 12 instruments or elements or "ingredients" after the name he gave: product development, packaging, price, brand, distribution channels, personal selling, advertising (paid), sales promotion, display, the services (after sales), logistics, information gathering and analysis.
To crystallization and developing the concept of marketing-mix brought their subsequent contribution also other specialists, leading gradually to a regrouping of these means, and in issuing their endogenous variables, at his disposal and under the control.
After EJ made by synthesizing McCarthy [26], has reached a broad understanding regarding structuring the marketing mix by combining all instruments at its disposal the company around four "pillars" of marketing - or 4Ps - namely: product, price, placement (distribution) and

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