Importance Of Interpersonal And Inter-Professional Communication

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Communication and interpersonal skill, a skill we use so often without even realizing, from the day to day conversation we had with one another, to the shrugs we gave when being told that we did something wrong, it is all part of communicating. “The entire purpose of communication is to be heard or received, to be understood, and to be accepted. People communicate to socialise, to express themselves, their wants, and to ventilate their feelings” (Rungapadiachy,1999,p.197), as such, it is defined as “‘the process by which information, meanings and feelings are shared by persons through the exchange of verbal and non-verbal messages” (Brooks and Heath,1985,p.8). As common and as easy casual communication is, to be able to effectively communicate …show more content…

Absolutely, it is important for a patient to establish their need, for a health care professional to receive that information and interpret it correctly, and finally to carry out their role and provide a clear direction to the patient. As such, Interpersonal communication is of utmost importance to deliver proper care to the patient. This shows that a better and higher standard of care can be achieved through effective communication. In this essay, I am going to discuss the basis of effective communication, how to effectively communicate verbally and non-verbally, how interpersonal and inter-professional communication in optometry can help achieve and promote the well-being of service users, and lastly the barriers to …show more content…

The very first step to verbal communication is listening, listening means attending, remembering and understanding, to ensure maximum information is received from patient it is crucial to be attending the conversation both psychologically and physically, as we can easily get side-tracked by a thought, this can cause important information to be misunderstood or misheard, resulting in a negative impact on our career. Following that, initiating skills such as questioning can be very useful, as relevant information on difficulty experienced by patients can be obtained by questioning them, it is also used as an encouragement for patients to participate or be used as a tool to confirm theories that patient might have missed out to obtain a more definite answer. And finally, our responding skills, responding by means of providing accurate and proper feedback, giving feedback to service users can be one of the most challenging tasks, as empathy is the main factor, we should consider how our answer will

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