Importance Of Inducible Defenses

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Brittany Richardson How Inducible Defenses Occur Biology 2023 Introduction to inducible defenses Over the course of evolution plants have developed ways to communicate and react with the world around them. Some of these interactions are methods to protect themselves from would-be predators. One category of defense is known as constitutive defenses, which exist in the plant before herbivory takes place. Examples of these would include thorns, toughness, and trichomes. This type of defense comes at a cost to the plant, in what is known as a trade-off. The plant in its development must dedicate precious resources away from growth to the formation of these defenses, which may or may not be necessary (Barton and Hanley 2013). The other group of defenses is called inducible defenses. These occur as or after herbivory happens, through a complex series of mechanisms that is still not fully understood (Kempel et al. 2011). The inducible mechanisms result in the plant becoming toxic or less nutritious to the herbivore, or sometimes in the release of compounds that attract predators to attack the threat to the plant. Inducible defenses also have trade-offs associated with them, although induced defenses are more regulated, and which is more beneficial to the plant is still undecided (Baldwin and Wu 2009). Research on the mechanisms of induced defenses is ongoing, and defenses differ among species of both plant and herbivore. Researchers are gradually discovering small parts of this complex structure, a process that has been made easier due to the greater understanding of genetics. By isolating a molecule that is produced during an induced defense, and finding mutations that lack this phenotype, it is possible to f... ... middle of paper ... ...luding herbivory and pathogens. MAPKs lead to pathways in the nucleus and chloroplasts (Baldwin and Wu 2009). They regulate hormone signaling, and the transcription of defense related genes (Baldwin and Wu 2009). Phosphorylation amplifies the signal systemically throughout the rest of the plant. This is made possible by the plasmosdesmata, which are necessary for the communication of these stress signals to neighboring and far away cells, as shown by a study in which plants with a mutation for a loss of function in the plasmodesmata proteins displayed a diminished defense response (Bertea et al. 2012). ROS and NO The increase in Ca2+ ions also lead to an increase in active oxygen species, ROS. These include molecules like hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), the hydronium ion, and O2-. ROS are preceded by, and thought to be produced by, NADPH oxidases (Baldwin and Wu 2009).

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