Importance Of Human Nature

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It’s funny how questions being asked in the seventies are still so relevant today in present times. The question, “what is human nature” is one that can have countless answers for the fact that different people have different life experiences. The real question is, can there truly be a wrong answer as to what one believes human nature is? In the 1971 debate between Chomsky and Foucault each break down what they believe human nature to be and the roles that play into how humans itself are affected by it. Human nature is one of those things that no one human defines the same. According to Google, human nature is, “the general psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavioral traits of humankind, regarded as shared by all humans.” All humans feel human emotion, their experiences however are never identical. All humans feel pain, happiness, fear, surprise, anxiousness, excitement and so on. No matter what type of life we live, in a sense we all live similar lives with different …show more content…

It is the one thing no human can escape, for we all have a similar fate at the end of the day. Humans tend to have two different outlooks on death: denial or fear of it, or questioning and a wish to understand it. There are always those two types of people, the person who does not like to talk about death and avoids it at any cost. And the person who enjoys conversing about death and the meaning of life afterwards. This is a conversation some cannot handle to have due to the fear tied into the unknown. Then, there is the person very capable of having this conversation who often leaves others disturbed. This person embraces death for whatever it may be, they find what they are looking for, for they believe it to be there. The person who denies death and is full of fear on the matter finds nothing when the time comes, for they did not believe it to be anything more. The emotional behavior death alludes from is what makes us all

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