Importance Of Homeostasis

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The word homeostasis means “steady state”. Human cells are demanding so that is why homeostasis is very important and necessary. The conditions inside the body of a human are kept at a narrow range and not constant. Core temperature changes slightly all through a normal day without producing harmful effects. Homeostasis is the maintenance of a regular interior environment in reply to a change in the outer surroundings. When you step outside your internal body temperature falls and you have no other way of warming yourself, the body will start to shiver to produce inner heat through a chemical reaction. Shivering is one way the muscles will do to generate heat to warm up the body and raise the body temperature. The first homeostatic response is to reduce heat loss. The body reacts by reducing the amount of warm blood from flowing through the skin by narrowing the blood vessels in the skin. If the human body cannot find a way to stay warm such as putting on a jacket or standing in front of a heater, then the body must produce heat to stay warm. To produce this heat the body wil...

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