Importance Of Harmony In Malaysia

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In this era of globalization , the different communities living in our country live in peace and harmony . Relations between different communities like the Malays, Chinese and Indians are interwoven and form a united and harmonious . There are differences between communities in Malaysia as a language , a way of life , economic , political , shelter and social relationships . As an analogy , people living with a variety of festivals such as Hari Raya Aidilfitri , Chinese New Year , Deepavali , Wesak Day and Day Natal. Therefore, all Malaysians should adopt an attitude like bamboos with riverbanks cooperate in order to nurture and cherish harmony in a multiracial in Malaysia. The question is whether efforts to cultivate and appreciate the harmony in diversity . Indeed , there are many effective and drastic efforts to nurture and cherish harmony in diversity in Malaysia .

Among the efforts to foster harmony in diversity and respect for the government is to hold various social activities to strengthen unity among the people . It is said that because the government plays an …show more content…

This is because , in a community of life in all races and cultures . Therefore , the public should know the customs and culture of a people that does not apply misunderstandings and fights . In that case, parents should always apply the values of solidarity in self kid's childhood. As the saying goes , " let the curved bamboo shoot". To strengthen social cohesion can hold community activities such as gotong-royong , open houses and so on. Social life must help one another like bamboos with riverbanks in order to strengthen relationships in the community . Impact , people will live in peace and harmony without discord among the races. Abraham Lincoln states that do not ask what contribution to the country , but ask what you can contribute to the country

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