Importance Of Filipino Acculturation

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Filipino Immigrants’ Level of Acculturation as a
Guide to Nursing Care It is evident that the United States of America is a culturally diverse country. This diversity can contribute to healthcare challenges for nurses and providers that may decrease the quality of care for patients. It becomes more challenging when a culture’s health beliefs and practices contradict with their own. It is an integral role of a nurse to assess and identify a patient’s culture and health-related beliefs and concerns to provide maximum care. Filipino culture consists of health beliefs and practices that are not similar to U.S. culture. Serafica (2011) discusses on his article entitled, Concept Analysis of Acculturation in Filipino Immigrants Within Health Context, the Filipino immigrants’ level of acculturation in U.S. in relation to “incorporating acculturation issues into (to) nursing and health care.” Knowing the levels of acculturation will help the nurses and providers in addressing Filipino health problems in the hospital settings.
Literature Review Acculturation is defined as “a complex, multidimensional, and bidirectional process that involves the adoption of behaviors and attitudes of the host country and …show more content…

It provides a better understanding of the underlying factors of Filipino practices and beliefs in the United States. The article provides necessary information about how a culture change over time while in America. This level of acculturation is not only applicable to Filipinos but also to other cultures. The diversity of the country allows nurses to encounter various cultures with various health beliefs and practices in the hospital setting. Even if U.S health practices contradict to one’s own, it is important as a nurse to provide safety, comfort, and education, and to focus on patient-centered care at all

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