Importance Of Education In College Essay

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Is College really necessary? I chose this topic because of the fact I’m in college; I can relate to the importance. Whether people believe it or not, education is extremely important. Not only is it important, but it’s almost every parents dream for their child to ehance their education and attend college. Once a student high school years begin to close or the individual completes high school, question begin arising; “what are your plans when you graduate” or “what college do you plan on attending?” College most definitely has its pros and cons, but in the end college can be a favorable investment. The most difficult decision after graduation is deciding what to do after high school. After graduation there is a whole world at the tip of their fingertips; Now it is the time to decide where you actually fit in. College is the choice many parents and teacher 's hope for the student to choose. Many students struggle getting accepted into college, financial aid, student loans, and more. It can really be stressful, but the benefits can exceed any burdens. “College allows students to explore career options.” There are more job opportunities with a college degree. The increase in jobs are skyrocketing; jobs such as a doctor, …show more content…

College builds social skills and it teaches patience. Zakaria also stated that, “When we absorb great lecture we come face to face with ideas, experiences, and emotions that we might never encounter in our lifetime.” College is something that not everyone experiences. Often times the challenges can surface many emotions;at times I myself feel like giving up, but I remind myself " It’s worth it

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