Importance Of Corporate Social Responsibility And Employee Satisfaction

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2.3 Corporate social responsibility and Employee Satisfaction
Agler (2013) affirmed that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and employee satisfaction has been the topic of many organizations. Furthermore, Bhattacharya et al. (as cited by Appiah, 2016) declared that employees widely perceive CSR as a factor that should be incorporated by all companies regardless of their sector or industry.
Stekijos (as cited by Appiah, 2016) stated that organizations in the 21st century must not only balance financial success but also demonstrate a commitment to the community through programs and activities. Gupta and Sharma argued that CSR activities included community involvement and caring for employees and customers (as cited by Appiah, 2016). Rather than possessing the motivation for the opportunity to increase profit, such programs and activities were implemented to benefit employees and the community (Agler, 2013).
This commitment to employees and the community is known as corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR may include both internal and external activities. Examples of external activities include providing community development opportunities and participating in special events, such as an awareness …show more content…

A robust and positive relationship exists between a company’s CSR strategy and employee satisfaction, which in turn dictates the willingness of the employees to either continue with the enterprise or look for another, more ethically responsible organization according to Koh & Boo; Portney; Rupp, Ganapathi, Aguilera, & Williams (as cited by Appiah, 2016). Study outcomes indicated that employees who considered the business operations of the organization ethical experienced job satisfaction as stated by Joseph & Deshpande; Koh & Boo (as cited by Appiah,

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