Importance Of Art

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As an artist, I appreciate creation as a form of art where God takes on the role of the artist. The creative arts play a crucial role in shaping the worldview of every person and culture. They are an implied declaration that a worldview consists of more than abstract ideas or theoretical concepts. The arts are rooted in the image-making and image-perceiving nature of people. People do not live by ideas alone. They also express their affirmations and denials through the paint on a canvas, the tension and release of sound, and poems and stories. Landscape painting has been a pursuit of mankind since the dawn of civilization. Different artist exploits lines to make marks, which come together to express or create a feeling the particular artist …show more content…

Art comes in many colors, themes, size, style, and forms. Much of this, I think, is due to the individual artist’s social interaction, ethnic and cultural background, and social status. I believe that all these can have an influence or impact on how a contemporary artist of today may express him/her self. Art encompasses everything. It is such a broad subject that is can be found in bizarre places – like a house’s structural wall built out of bottle caps. Artists are always trying to push boundaries and think outside the canvas. The concept of art is hard to define; not because it is vague or abstract, but because it had many different reasons for being created. It takes us to a journey to the past, the present and the future. It may reveal a community’s way of life, a person’s imagination, or merely a form of …show more content…

Everyone interprets their life experience differently, and those interpretations may lead to personal growth and maturity. Every man made objects can be interpreted through someone else. In some ways everything in life serves as an example of an art form because it is alive, moving, and reproductive. When we consider this fact and apply it to our everyday lives, we appreciate the tiniest in entities once deemed insignificant. A work of art need not dazzle; sometimes, the simplest of art forms speak the loudest. Sam quoted, “ My work is a study of the physical/visual world in many of its mood and the emotional/psychological/intellectual judgments we bring with our responses to it. Sam’s paintings themselves may have been extremely simple, but they still got the message across. Communication is just one of the many uses of art. His art can be used for virtually anything from therapy to entertainment, and that is because almost everybody enjoys some form of art. The way some people perceive could be an international language that people from all walks of life can understand together. A piece of art is can be seen in many different

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