Importance Of Argumentative Essay

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Many people like changing their own motor oil. Since it's a relatively easy project, even car owners who don't know much about fixing cars participate in it. However, changing your own car motor oil isn't always a smart choice. These are some of the reasons why you might find it preferable to hire a pro mechanic instead.

1. You Won't Have Proof

If your vehicle is still under warranty, then you probably want to do whatever you have to in order to maintain that warranty. Unfortunately, even if you know what you are doing, changing your own car oil can actually cause your warranty to become invalid. If you take your car to a professional's shop, however, you will have service records that you can show in order to maintain your car warranty. …show more content…

For example, you might not notice that your radiator hoses are worn out or that your spark plugs are in need of replacement. By not noticing any problems that your vehicle might be having, you could face being stranded on the side of the road, or you could allow less serious problems to become more serious by not addressing them. Most mechanics will check for basic problems while they are under the hood and changing the oil, however, so this shouldn't be something that you'll have to worry about if you hire a mechanic to do your oil changes for you.

3. It Might Actually Cost More

You might think that you are saving yourself some money by changing your own oil rather than hiring someone else to do it for you. However, by the time you purchase all of the materials that you need -- such as oil, a drip pan and an oil filter -- and take the time to do it yourself, you could often hire a professional to do the job for you cheaper. Plus, you have to worry about disposal. Overall, it can be just as affordable and much more convenient to take your car to the shop.

As you can see, changing your own auto motor oil isn't always the smartest decision. Instead, consider these reasons why it's smart to take your car to a good, reliable mechanic

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