Importance Of Allegory Of The Cave

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“The Allegory of the Cave”
In Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave”, he tells a story about prisoners that were chained up in a cave. There were shadows constructed on the wall of the cave that played as the prisoner’s reality. One of the prisoners in the story ends up breaking free and begins to experience the real-world. Learning all that he had learned since the cave including the shadows was controlled by other people and a lie. When he went back to tell the others, the others were afraid of what he was saying and didn’t believe him. The question that is being asked for this essay is whether or not we think that “The Allegory of the Cave” is still relevant today. I think that “The Allegory of the Cave” is still relevant in our lives today. …show more content…

This brings us to our next argument,” Do we think that kids are being protected from the world to much for their own good?” I think that some parents are being too overprotective. According to Grace Williams, “Overprotective and overly cautious parents cause kids to be emotionally, developmentally, and psychologically behind” (2013). It is proven that sheltered children will become unsuccessful adults. Parents shield their kids from the truth because they feel it’s necessary. They feel like what the kid doesn’t know can’t hurt them, when in reality it can be potentially dangerous. Without proper knowledge, the child would blind basically, always making mistakes, and wouldn’t be able to deal with certain situations. For example, if a child goes on living life homeschooled or something, imagine when he or she gets out in the real world. Experiencing new things for the first time. It could be a very stressful moment and something bad could happen like an anxiety attack. Children shouldn’t be sheltered from the world, so that way they will grow up with the proper knowledge of the world. This applies to “The Allegory of the Cave” because the prisoners were sheltered their whole lives from the real world causing them to be “behind” the rest of the

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