Implications Of Domestic Violence

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What can we say about domestic violence in this country that has not been said already? Is it that it happens in our everyday lives but no one ever talks about it in the media? As a woman I say this with great reluctance in regards to one of my sources: “Most of the reported abuse cases happen in poor and crime- ridden neighborhoods where couples or families in crisis have little to no access to counseling or remedies.” My interest is, does counseling really work? One of my sources is “Normlessness, Domestic Violence, and Social Practice” by Sharleen Andrews. This article talks about Implications for Social Work with Families, and How Anomie Affects the Latino Community. Another source is Dying for Love: The Epidemic of Domestic Abuse Cases by Kimberly Davis. This article speaks about how women are in the most danger after they get out of an abusive relationship, and also touches on different perspectives. There are many sad scenarios that come to mind when thinking about the victims of domestic violence. With this particular issue, the victims are impacted mentally and physically. A situation that comes to mind is one of a little boy hiding under his bed. He is in a neighboring room and can hear furniture moving and screams of his mother in agonizing pain. He understands that he is too small to intervene on his mother’s behalf and too scared to confront his father. What is he left to do? The young boy calls 911 with the hopes that they could step in and end his mother’s pain. The boy’s father repeatedly abused his mother and insisted that she stay in her place and never considers ending the relationship. This fictional situation is one that occurs everyday in every corner of our country. Domestic violence incidents in 2005 accoun... ... middle of paper ... ... problems. It is obvious and clearly shown that the children who witness domestic abuse have serious long-term mental effects. Last but not least, domestic violence has bad influences on kids as they grow up (Crapo 2006). It is clear that parents are the first models in a child’s life. If children are exposed to verbal abuse such as throwing, damaging furniture, slapping, kicking and insulting words everyday, what will happen? Certainly, there will be effects in the future life. In adult life, men witnessing domestic violence in childhood are more likely to abuse their wives than those who did not witness as children. Likewise, women who were exposed to violence in family when being small seem to be more tolerant towards violence from their counterparts. It is a very interesting thing that we do here in America when we are dealing with domestic violence offenders.

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