Implementation System Development Lifecycle

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Organizations and businesses utilize different forms of information systems in order to support the abundance of processes needed to fulfill their business functions. Every type of information systems consists of a particular focus or purpose, and each part has a life of its own1. The “life of its own” theory is formally known as a systems development lifecycle and it contains the integrated method of planning, building, deploying, using, updating, and maintaining an information system1. When looking at developing a new information system, the system itself involves various different, but relevant activities. Such phases, or activities, typically included planning, analysis, design, and implementation. The purpose of this paper is to break the implementation phase down into the before and the after. Implementation of an information system consists of the development, installation and testing of the system’s components as well as the delivery of the system into production. The objective of system implementation is to construct a system, install it, replace the old system, prepare the new system, and create user documentation, train users, and post implementation evaluation of results. During this phase, it’s also involves a closedown the entire project. Before the closedown and changeover occurs, the system must be tested, documented, users trained, and the existing data should be converted. The five major tasks during the implementation phase are coding, testing, installation, documentation and training. The purpose of this phase is to convert the physical system specifications into working and reliable software and hardware, document the work that has been done and provide assistance for current and future users. Coding is th... ... middle of paper ... ...ation systems output as well as user satisfaction, system reliability and maintainability, adequacy of system controls and security measures, hardware efficiency and platform performance, effectiveness of database implementation, performance of the IT team, and completeness and quality of documentation1. Today, no matter how cautiously a system is designed and then implemented, problems will arise. Meticulous testing can identify errors during implementation, but correcting the mistakes during the development process costs much less. The main goal of quality assurance is to bypass problems or to verify them as soon as possible1. The lack of quality assurance can result from incorrect requirements, design problems, coding errors, faulty documentation, and inaccurate testing Works Cited Harry , Rosenblatt. Systems Analysis and Design. 10th. 448-501. Print.

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