Imperialism In Africa

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European imperialism in Africa can be explained in a large part by the ability of Western ships, steam-propelled, to navigate up the previously impenetrable African rivers. This allowed contacts wit the interior that no people, including Africans themselves, had ever before achieved. Steam-driven iron boats were also basic to the European penetration of China. Western weaponry continued to increase. By the late 19th century, Western soldiers were armed with repeating rifles. Representing a huge advantage. Gains from the Industrial Revolution occurred, including not only technology, but better heath care and expanded literacy. This gave belief that the West was superior to the rest of the world. Western expansion attempts occurred from the crusades …show more content…

This allowed contacts wit the interior that no people, including Africans themselves, had ever before achieved. Steam-driven iron boats were also basic to the European penetration of China. Western weaponry continued to increase. By the late 19th century, Western soldiers were armed with repeating rifles. Representing a huge advantage. Gains from the Industrial Revolution occurred, including not only technology, but better heath care and expanded literacy. This gave belief that the West was superior to the rest of the world. Western expansion attempts occurred from the crusades on. Economic motives contributed to this as well. During most of the 19th century, African history followed with innovations, and significant economic changes. In the northern region, below the Sahara Desert, Islam continued to spread, through the holy war movement, that emerged in the later 18th century. Literature began to develop in east Africans written language, called Swahili. Later in the 19th century, the spreading of Islam was furthered by Western Imperialism. Islam became a part of many African cultures and traditions. Africans had to face economic challenge. With the and of the Atlantic slave trade, and the balance of trade shifting, it became significantly harder to obtain goods, such as guns. Many of the African leaders worked hard for alternative ways to import and export goods. As a result, they increased internal slavery as a means of providing cheap labor. Conditions for women became worse, as slave use expanded. In West Africa imperialism broke out more, as Britain and France acquired new port territories. A small number of African territories ended up converting to Christianity, and upholding western values. The two states, Liberia and Sierra Leone were formed by freed slaves. The freed slaves formed a

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